Kathmandu Organics wins APAC Insider Business Award 2020
Monday, January 25, 2021
Kathmandu Organics has been recognised by the annual APAC Insider Business Awards. They have been bestowed the accolade of Best Online Sustainable Product Marketplace 2020 – Nepal, and the Excellence Award for Eco-Conscious Products 2020.
Kathmandu Organics is a curated online marketplace for local, organic and handmade products from Nepal. They collaborate with farmers, cooperatives and entrepreneurs to create sustainable value-chain for their products. So far, they have completed over 70,000 deliveries since 2017 and work with farmer groups from 40 districts of Nepal.
“We are glad to be recognized for our efforts to connect Nepali rural producers with consumers in urban areas through a curated marketplace,” said Bhuwan KC, co-founder of Kathmandu Organics. “The APAC Business Awards, aim to celebrate the success of companies of all sizes across the APAC region, regardless of industry. They have told us that last year, more than any other, success has been far from guaranteed. Even long-established companies were met with uncertainty and challenges, with start-ups and newcomers facing a baptism of fire”, explains KC.
“In their press release, APAC stated they launched the 2020 programme by focusing on those that have, in whatever small or large way, achieved success over the last 12 months. And showcased the companies who can truly be described as paragons on the greater professional landscape,” continues KC. “Therefore we are extremely proud to be included in the winners, for us and for Nepal.”
Speaking at the announcement of the awards, Awards Co-ordinator Katherine Benton said, “I offer a sincere and heartfelt congratulations to all of those recognised in the 2020 Business Awards.”
For further information contact
Mr. Bhuwan KC
Mobile : 9851220642
Email - hello@kathmanduorganics.com
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